Tom started getting ink to skin when he was 18, most people would start off small for that potential job interview one day. However that is not Tom's style with each piece having special meaning he started his tattoo collection with a bang.
Tom came by the office this week after just arriving back from his northern winter. So we decided to get shirts off and find out dates and places of his art collection.

Number 1: The Heart, age 18 during a trip to Utah at Dynamic Tattoo.
Number 2: One Life One Chance script, age 19 during a trip to Japan at Boobies Nagoya.

Number 3: Sam Kaska, age 19 in Melbourne by
Simon at Tattoo Magic.

Number 4: Left forearm (still to be completed) , age 19 in Melbourne by
Simon at Tattoo Magic.

Number 5: Roses on each shoulder, age 20 during the most recent trip to Tahoe by Truth Tattoos in Truckee.
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