To kick off winter and to help out any future photographers or film crews we have a Burton Zoom Pro Pack to give away. The Zoom Pro is the pack of choice among professional lens pointers, to check out all the tech type info about the pack visit Burton.com.
We have one of these packs to giveaway and there are 4 steps you need to complete to go into the draw:
Step 1- Compose an email to seemymethod@burton.com.au and in the subject write GIVE ME A ZOOM PACK.
Step 2 In the email tell us what you are going to keep safe in the Zoom Pack if you win it. The answer that we think is the best use of the pack wins so be creative.
Step 3- Include your postal address and contact number in the email.
Step 4- After you have done steps 1 to 3 then press SEND.
The competition ends at 5pm Friday the 19th of June and is only valid for Australian resident.(Sorry rest of the world)
The winning entry will be posted on seemymethod.com.au
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