We finally found our digital camera after the fun and games that was the MTV Snow Jam at
Falls Creek. Here are a few photos of the event so that you are in the know before the MTV Snow Jam show on August 15th on you guessed it

The stage in the background and bottom of the rail set up.

Mark Sollors one of the international riders for the event and Burton Brand Manager Shane Carter.

Chris Decampo and Jye Kearney.

Tom Pelley rocking his new
AG wears.

Mark Sollors and the custom built hand rail for the event.

Winner, Canadian and all round good guy Charles Reid

Mark and Charles doing a quick post event interview.

What event is complete without an after party here is Pistol and friend rocking out.

Second place in the event but king of the D floor Robbie Walker.

Hands up who is going to have a hang over?

Does not take long to make ourselves at home.
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